CERN Homepage

Timing Working Group

LHC Homepage


Synchronisation and timing is required for various systems in the LHC accelerator. The WG should take into account the requirements from accelerator operation and the needs of the users to establish a clear philosophy for timing associated with LHC. The summary of the WG should be documented as a functional specification, for the end of September 1999.

Timing and synchronisation includes domains such as:

For each domain the clients, their requirements (as an example, the precision of the timing) and their geographical location should be identified.

The WG should formulate recommendations in order to avoid unnecessary divergence between solutions for the different systems.

The working group will report to PLC, and keep both TCC and MARIC informed whenever appropriate.

Comments and/or suggestions can be given to Gary Beetham and Etienne Carlier

Last update 20 June 2000